They say things comes in 3s…sometimes it’s 4, 5, and 6. Sometimes, shit just hits the fan. You look around, up, down, and around again. What just happened? Why? Confusion.
It’s easy to blame yourself. Over analyze. Go through the events over and over. What could you have done differently? How could you have prevented #4 or #5? Whether’s it’s a job loss (Suruchi, wrote a very honest post about this), a breakup, a death, or just another unexpected expense (damn you key for getting stuck in the lock)…it can take a toll.
So now what?
Now, you pick yourself back up. You smile at the things you do have. You smile at your furball who loves you for being there. You smile at your friends and family who text and call you to see how you are. You smile that it’s summer. You appreciate the good despite the bad.
Being all “dark and twisty” isn’t going to do much for you. It’s only going to cause more anxiety, stress, and you know what that means…wrinkles. Screw that.
And sometimes you just have to “dance it out”… get up. Jump up. And jump around. Shake off the crap, and think about what the little steps are that you can do to smile more. Is it focusing on a new adventure? An upcoming trip? Or even a new book you’ve been wanting to read and have time for.
Focus on the good things. The rest will come.
May 27, 2015
Love you! You’ve got the right idea. Focusing on the positive.