We’re busy. We’re in a rush. We’re lazy. We’re tired. We’re over-worked. We’re’ traveling. We have a lot of excuses to not get to the gym and/or not work out on a regular basis. Basically we have a lot of bullshit. Don’t you think?
Luckily there are some exercise routines you can do in 15 minutes almost anywhere you are, with no equipment. It’s my go-to routine for when I’m in a rush, and especially when I’m traveling and not able to get to the gym.
- 12 squats (Bonus if you have a weight or something heavy you can hold while doing so) *
- 10 lunges *
- 30 second wall sit *
- Squat hold and 12 punches *
- 60 second plank ** (Bonus if you switch back and forth between a full plank and forearm plank)
- 15 second side plank **
- 10 pushups *
- 30 second run in place*
- 20 jumping jacks*
- 10 burpees*
*repeat three times ** repeat twice
Want more? Let us know and we can add to that list.