Sometimes each day passes as fast as the next. You don't realize that it's already Wednesday or Thursday until you look up from the daily grind and the madness that has become blatant routine. Sometimes it's great because it means you are busy and hopefully enjoying the rush of it. Other times, you need to ...
Go on a date, with yourself
I used to think having dinner or going to the movies by yourself would be lonely. I would feel like a loser. This past year, my perception on this changed. There were times when my friends or family were busy, not around, or didn't necessarily have a desire to do the same thing I did ...
Written by blogging contributor, Audrea. Life is busy. We all have a million things going on and a million things to do, and as responsibilities pile up, friendships can be put on the back burner. Good, solid friendships need to be maintained in order to flourish and that takes some work. These days it’s so easy ...
There is Always a Reason to Be Grateful
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. With less than three months left in the year, it has made me stop and think about how much I am grateful for. As people we don’t always take the time (or have the time) to think about what we’re thankful for. At this moment in my life I am grateful for ...
Understanding that sometimes you meet the right person at the wrong time
Written by contributor, Sonia Sahota. There are many reasons as to why relationships fail... whether it is distance, not enough effort/time given, cheating, bickering that adds up, etc. But sometimes, it simply isn’t the right time and place. Relationships can end because you have to figure out what you want and who you are. You need time ...
Giving back this fall
This post written by contributor, Audrea. The onset of fall always reminds me of a time to start fresh. When I was in school, it meant a time for new teachers, new friends and new school clothes. But at this point in my life, it now means the time of year when I re-evaluate my goals ...
Being Productive. With Less Time.
Each day is different whether you work a regular 9-5 or live by your own schedule. There's travel for work. A child gets sick. A dinner party you forgot about. A pilates class you need to attend. A haircut you desperately need. That damn laundry, again. Coffee with a friend who needs advice. Unexpected things come up, ...
Time – She’s no Pushover – Management
Time management. Since we were kids, we were told we need to learn to manage our time: do our homework, go to volleyball practice, yearbook club, and wake up for school without being late. Then college rolled around. We were on our own. No parents or siblings to say "get up!" We had to push ourselves ...
Enjoying your own company
A lot can be said for always being busy and surrounded by people you work with, your friends, and people you enjoy and love. It's great to have people who make each day pass by with great memories. But something else can be said for taking time to be with someone else very I've written ...