You know that feeling. The sun is shining. You start to feel carefree. You are ready for the beach, some hiking, some sunshine in the park, picnics, bbq, and damn that feels good. We have a playlist just for that feelin' and your perfect times ahead. Are you ready for this hot little playlist, with ...
Beat the Summer Blues
Beat the "summer blues" of being stuck indoors at work, or on your computer, with this latest playlist. Chock full of positive vibe hits, upbeat tunes, and some old school hits that take you to summer, whether you're at your desk or going for a stroll in the sun, imagining the beach, sunshine and rainbows everywhere ...
And then it’s Summer
All of a sudden the temps shift into summer, and you think - but what about Spring? Summer comes in with a heat wave, a wave of feelings, memories, and adventures to be had. And then you step outside, and think - oh crap it's Hot. The city is sweltering, and every step you take (every ...
A ray of light
A ray of light bounces off her smile she looks up to see hope for the day Who knew it would transcend into her bones Like a dog that runs astray He led her down the path She ran sideways Looking for a hole in the wall She found a ragged doll laying below She looked up Seeing through her broken glasses Another glimmer of hope
50 Degrees and Counting
I am a firm believer that warm weather and sunshine is good for the soul. A few posts ago I told you all that I wasn't sure if I'd be able to sneak away to a warmer location for some good old fashioned, natural Vitamin D. Well, in true LV style, I made it happen. I ...