What Anxiety Is and What It Isn’t

By Monday, February 20, 2017 0 , , , , Permalink

Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte.  As a person who lives with terrible anxiety, there was a moment I was having recently that made me think about anxiety is and what it isn’t. How it has impacted my life both positively and negatively. My anxiety or fears rather make me work harder. I am always afraid of ...

Unnecessary Pain

Sometimes do it to ourselves. Sometimes it's caused by outside variables. She ran away ran scared. Looking sideways until her breath stopped. She ate her feelings until the feelings drowned. Overtaken by unnecessary anxiety unnecessary pain. She left it all behind behind her needs. She stomped out the fire until the smoke overtook her. She gasped for air she could breathe again just a little just a little more.   Sometimes it's a ...

The Beauty of Letting Go This Spring

Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte.  Spring is here and the season beckons for rebirth and renewal from the harsh winter of life. And with a new season comes the beauty of just letting go. Letting go is not always easy...whether it is an item that has sentimental value or a person or situation in your life, it ...

Anxiety is BS

By Saturday, December 12, 2015 0 , , , , Permalink

Anxiety can overwhelm some. Others, don't always understand, but anxiety is something that so many deal with everyday. You can have anxiety about an upcoming meeting, travel plans, a talk with a significant other, safety, not having enough time to get shit done, feeling alone, getting older, so on and so forth. It can consume you. It ...