Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. “Eat, Pray, Love” Author Elizabeth Gilbert once said, that fear is boring. When she wrote this on one of her Facebook posts one day, I realized how right she was (I always think she’s right, but I’m biased). It is. Because all it does is stop you from doing what ...
The Beauty of Perseverance
Written by blog contributor, Tammy Luksich. Webster’s Dictionary defines perseverance as steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Perseverance is the breaking point, which drives the car of maturity and success. It separates the mediocre from the overachievers, the B+ from the A-, the laborer from the foreman. The process of developing ...
The Pursuit: Friend or Foe?
Equinox, yes the pretty gym (as some people call it), has a spin class called "the Pursuit." When I first learned about it, I figured, well if I love spin, and I've done at least a dozen classes at this point, the Pursuit, shouldn't be anything out of my reach. I can do that. No ...
Five must haves for a home gym
When you live in a city, spaces are smaller. Schedules are crazier. You are constantly on the go. And some mornings, getting to the gym seems daunting. That's why I find it necessary and helpful to have some workout items at home to use. I feel less pressured on time and know i can get ...
Gym Woes
Lacking motivation to get to the gym? It happens. Struggling every week? Stop complaining and do something about it. Change your perspective. Focus on the attainable. Set goals to reach. Small milestones that keep you motivated each week or month. For example, if you have a weight goal to reach, break into chunks so that it is more feasible, ...
It’s ok to say no
Authored by guest blogger: Audrea Laffely This post is about a resolutions, particularly my 2015 new years’ resolution. This year like many others on January 2nd, I made my resolution for the year. Years past it had been about saving money or working out more or even becoming a vegetarian (Note to all of you, this ...