Over time, I’ve realized that life is so busy, I need to rely on the little comforts in life. They’re helpful for a bit of distraction, a bit of reprieve, and a moment to just rest and not think (as much). My comforts depend on my mood, obviously, but I definitely have my go-to’s that ...
Pleasing others or yourself?
What's more important? Please others or yourself? The moral person, the person who believes in karma, the one who is caring and kind, and unselfish, says others...of course. But is that really always the case? Should it always be others? If you know me, you know I have a large tendency to put others in front ...
Six Ways to Love Yourself…Today
It's easy to hate on ourselves and pick at ourselves for the littlest of things...usually things that no one else notices, but us. But why don't we change the story...make it about self appreciation and loving yourself and who you are, vs. picking at the little scabs and wounds. Here are a few ways to get ...
Change your story, own your mind
Ever think to yourself... I hate my butt. I wish I had more money. I feel alone. I wish I had time for a vacation. Why can't my boobs be bigger and my waist smaller. I wish people appreciated me. Why does everything happen to me. Why can't I have more time. Hello, self pity. Woe is me. If ...
When You Don’t Simply Feel Enough
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. There will be many times in your life where you won’t feel like you are enough. It can happen in your career, your relationships and just in the general day-to-day. Let me tell you, it is a horrible feeling. Here is a little secret, you absolutely are enough! No matter what ...
Care a Little Less
Since we were kids, we always worried about what other people thought. Are we cool enough? Is our shirt in style? Will the kids laugh at me when I speak in class? What if I get picked last in gym class? Who will let me sit with them at lunch? These anxiety stricken worries surround us...and ...