Read out latest post below, or listen to our latest podcast on taking a journey into the unknown. A journey into the unknown. Are you ready? Or are you scared of what it holds? The unknown is full of uncertainty and unpredictability. You never know what will enter your life, leave it, or become the norm ...
It feels like summer…
Okay okay, some parts of the country/world have warm temps throughout the year, but if you're a new englander like myself, the seasonal changes are bit more substantial. Going from blizzards to torrential downpours to steamy summers, it's quite the change of pace throughout the year. But...when the the temps warm up, and the sun ...
Let’s take a moment
Let's take a moment ... to be in the moment. Sit back. Be mindful of what you feel. Let it in. Understand the reason behind it. Perhaps take some time to meditate through to the calm. Are you ready to take a moment for you? Listen to our latest podcast episode and take a moment. Until ...
Stress overload
When the stress is piling on, the anxiety is real, and it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon, how do you cope? How do you deal? How do you pull through to the other side? Do you have a happy place? A physical place or mental place you can go to in your ...
Adulting needs a new name
Remember the days we didn't have to do all our own chores, had meals made for us, and only really had to worry about our homework and hygiene? Wow, I miss those days sometimes. Being an adult can be a real pain in the ass. There are a multitude of bills to pay, regular budgeting, ...
Two months of gratitude
I wrote before about gratitude. So I did it, I took every morning - 1-2 minutes a day - to journal what I am grateful for that day. For that day. In that moment. I didn't think it would last, but it allows me to realize what there is to be grateful for, despite the ...
The thing about gratitude
Not in the mood to read, listen to our podcast episode instead. Gratitude, a word that scares some, and excites others. Gives some folks the ability to think through the good in their life. The things that actually matter - how little they may be, the small things can add up to making a larger ...
Keep your mind moving…
It's not just about physical movement that matters to keep us stimulated and healthy. Mental and emotional movement is clutch too. Whether it's reading more, listening to a regular podcast, or engaging in a craft or hobby, it's important to keep our minds stimulating and continuing to learn, and grow. So we as people can ...
The love and inspiration of quotes and memes
Are you like me ... do you love to share memes to communicate on the regular? Or find a great quote and post/share them on Instagram? I know I sometimes collect great ones and have them handy at the exact time it's awesome to respond with or use it with a friend. They can be ...
Your home environment matters
Some folks I know or knew in when I lived in the city would say "I don't need a great place, because I'm never home," or "I'm just home to sleep", etc. The thing for me is, I want my home to be a place of comfort, especially now that I WFH regularly, and a ...