Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. I was introduced to the Rocky movies for the first time about four years ago. It was introduced to me by a friend of mine who is no longer part of my life. It’s been about a year since the friendship ended. Loss of any kind, through death or circumstance is ...
Don’t Let Your Light Go Out
We face a lot, each day. Some are minor, some feel unsurmountable. As mentioned in this post, it's ok to ask for help. But whether you seek out help, or do it on your own, there's another thing to consider. Keeping your head up. It's easy to feel frustrated, and overwhelmed. It's a lot harder, and takes ...
Unnecessary Pain
Sometimes do it to ourselves. Sometimes it's caused by outside variables. She ran away ran scared. Looking sideways until her breath stopped. She ate her feelings until the feelings drowned. Overtaken by unnecessary anxiety unnecessary pain. She left it all behind behind her needs. She stomped out the fire until the smoke overtook her. She gasped for air she could breathe again just a little just a little more. Sometimes it's a ...
New stairs to climb
She fell down the stairs She clutched her heart She cried tears of joy She had escaped She had given away her hopes and dreams She had left her desires She had new ones New endeavors New adventures New stairs to climb