We meet a lot of people in our lives - from school to work to casual encounters. Some become friends for life, while others become family, and others are in our lives for a certain time frame. Perhaps just a passing day, month, or a couple years. Each encounter, each human we meet, leaves an ...
what’s your life list?
Instead of thinking of a "bucket" list, where you think you won't have much time, and want to accomplish a certain list before moving or if you're ill, etc -- what about a life list? One, it sounds more positive and uplifting because it's about living your list rather than trying to get through a list. ...
Little bits of comfort
We all have them. It could be a pen, a necklace, an old stuffed animal, or even a movie. Little bits of comfort that make us feel either at home, calmer, and/or just comforted. It's helpful to have these things, especially in our most stressful environments - such as work. And sometimes it's nice to ...
Just another lyric
Ever notice how one line from a song (or poem) can tug on your heart strings. It reminds you of something past, or something you once had. It could make you smile, or nostalgic, and perhaps even hopeful of something to come. Every time I hear the song "here's to the night" by Eve 6, ...
music to the rescue
Sometimes the right tune, lyrics, or album can mark a turning point in our emotions or thoughts in that exact moment. It can allow us to feel deeper, allow us to release feelings we've been holding in, feel powerful, get excited, and/or remember memories that we forgot about until that song came back on. Here's ...
Don’t get stuck in the past
Remember when you had the flutter of anticipation and excitement. The newness of it all. You can't help but smile like a kid in a candy store. Damn, that was a great time. But now it's over. It's buried and perhaps it should stay there. What's the usefulness of dredging up old memories that lead us to ...
Don’t forget your girlfriends…
It happens to the best of us. We get wrapped up in our daily madness, our relationships, and realize that we're letting time fly by. Before our relationships, before our houses, and our kids, there was that group of friends you called your best friends. Your girlfriends. Your soulmates. They came over on Friday nights ...
Why you should plan less
...this coming from a Type double-A planner, who lives and dies by her Google Calendar. It has everything from the things to pack for work, appointments, to errands to run, and plans with friends. My sister once said, did you plan our bathroom breaks in Paris too? Not so far off, back then. But as of ...
Every Ending Brings a New Beginning
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. What is it about endings in life that make things feel so scary? It is the unknown. If you are anything like me, endings of any kind are never easy. They suck actually. Just recently I had a new ending, one I wasn’t expecting for a little while. I totaled my ...
Be the lead actress of your life
There's a line in the movie, The Holiday, "You're supposed to be the lead actress of your own life..." and it couldn't ring more true. There are some of us who sit on the sidelines and only focus on others. They think so much about what others want, and what they need, and constantly put ...