Let's take a moment ... to be in the moment. Sit back. Be mindful of what you feel. Let it in. Understand the reason behind it. Perhaps take some time to meditate through to the calm. Are you ready to take a moment for you? Listen to our latest podcast episode and take a moment. Until ...
Meditate with the Right Playlist
Meditation is no easy task, and takes a moment (or two or three) to get into the groove. Some of us have our mantras, while others need some music to get into the groove of letting go of the outside world. This playlist, includes mostly options that are two to five minutes in length and allow ...
Meditate on That
I have a few friends who meditate on a regular basis, and believe that it works wonders. Whether it’s on a beach, outside on a rock, or just in their home on a yoga mat or pillow, they feel it brings them a sense of balance. A moment of serenity and peacefulness. Allowing them to ...
Create a life you don’t need to vacation from
This is a guest post written by contributor Audrea. I just returned from 8 days in Paris and feel like a new women. I have that refreshed, invigorated, seize the day type of glow that screams happiness. I feel focused and ready to take on the world. I woke- up this morning thinking, “How do I ...
11 Ways to Unplug from Daily Life
This is a guest post by blogger Daniela Forte. We are constantly glued to our cell phones and other mobile devices, for most of us, if not all; our mobile devices are our whole lives. We shop on them, we watch the news through them, we sleep with them, we listen to music on them, we ...