There will always be the cliques and mean girls and the asses of the world. They test your limits. They test your own judgment at times. And sometimes you crack. Sometimes you want to run and sleep the day away. I mean who made them think they were the ultimate in awesome? It's not just high ...
What You Don’t Need to Worry About
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. Worrying is the destruction of happiness. It prevents you from living the life you should be living and stopping pure joy from being part of your life, and honestly, it’s a bitch. We all worry about different things on different days, or the same things on different days, some are important ...
Don’t Force Life
Relationships, age, and positive outcomes...all thing we wish we could control. Not so much. Especially things like relationships/friendships, there is more than just you involved. You can't control the whole situation. You can't dictate how things will go and what you want, at all times. You can't just snap your fingers and say...yes, please. I ...
Another year, Another birthday
Typically, when the New Year rolls around, many of us think of our resolutions for the upcoming year and how we want to rejuvenate our lives, and focus harder on our goals. It feels like a fresh start and a way to start new and kick some major ass. I know I do it. But the ...
The highlight reel
Ever get caught up in what other people are posting, sharing, snapping, and gramming? I know I have. You get sucked into the rabbit hole and all of a sudden you're wondering where the time went. You see that your friends are posting that they're on a beach on so-and-so island, or having the best ...
Appreciate the Weird
There are a lot of people we cross paths with each day. Society and media has allowed us to "bucket" and/or "categorize" people by how they look, speak, dress, and what they do for an occupation (amongst other things). Is this right? Is this helping us as a society? Each person we meet, become friends with, ...
The Busy Bee & Finding Happiness
Finding happiness in the midst of the madness is a large goal, but worth the fight to overcome the battle. Kristina Tsipouras who runs Busy Girl Daily wrote a great (quick read) on the Busy Girl's Guide to Happiness. Considering I've been trying to find a true balance in my life (as it's an evolving process that ...
Fresh air
In the winter, you can't help but huddle indoors with a hot cup of coffee, a blanket, and whatever you're binging on Hulu or Netflix. It's easy to get lazy and spend extra hours on the couch on a weeknight or even during the weekend. Life seems to go on repeat when it comes to ...
The aftermath
When you know you ate too much. Slept too little. Had a few too many glasses of wine. Didn't make it to the weeks. You're on a toxic spiral. And it doesn't seem to be opening the doors to let you off. You step down, grab some water, a few extra hours of sleep ...
Blink first
When you're stuck in what feels like a staring contest, one where you can't get yourself to "blink first" because you know it'll be a downward cycle, you keep staring. You hold strong. You don't let yourself give in to the ghosts of yesterday or the weaknesses that turn you down today. You allow yourself ...