You've worked your butt off all week, and now it's the weekend. The last thing you want to do is be productive, use your computer, or do chores. So you let some things slide, and decide to be lazy. Come Monday, you regret this because now you still have all this "adulting" to do on ...
Winter doesn’t mean the work stops…
A lot of feel like hibernation mode kicks into high gear the second the days get shorter and the sun goes down faster. We have the comfort food cravings of the holidays and the laziness of going to the gym in the cold temps is inevitable. However - do you really want that whole pie, and ...
Why staying in can be the best self love
You've heard the saying - you won't remember the memories you wasted sleeping or staying in. I used to be a huge proponent of this - especially with huge FOMO. I felt that I had to be at every event, out almost every evening, and that staying in, was just plain lame. That you didn't ...
Be Lazy
Sunday funday, can give some people FOMO. You feel that you need to be taking advantage of this day on the weekend. Watching the football game at the pub, checking out the latest festival, and/or having a late bottomless brunch with your friends. But do you have to? What's wrong with being a little lazy? Sometimes a ...
Rainy Sundays
Rainy Sundays (or any rainy evening) are perfect for taking a step back and chilling the hell out. Reducing priorities, having a lazy morning, and deciding to do the things you never get to do when you're running around. Listen to an old school playlist Read a good book that sucks you in, like Tana French's In ...