What Anxiety Is and What It Isn’t

By Monday, February 20, 2017 0 , , , , Permalink

Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte.  As a person who lives with terrible anxiety, there was a moment I was having recently that made me think about anxiety is and what it isn’t. How it has impacted my life both positively and negatively. My anxiety or fears rather make me work harder. I am always afraid of ...

Bringing Love Into Your Home this Valentine’s Day

By Sunday, February 12, 2017 0 , , , , Permalink

Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte.  Loving yourself is a big part of finding love in general, but I have found that part of loving yourself is also surrounding yourself with love.  I am not just talking about the people you surround yourself with, but in your home as well. One of the compliments I got when ...

What You Don’t Need to Worry About

Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte.  Worrying is the destruction of happiness. It prevents you from living the life you should be living and stopping pure joy from being part of your life, and honestly, it’s a bitch. We all worry about different things on different days, or the same things on different days, some are important ...