Time to take a mindfulness check on yourself and/or friends and family members who may not be having "the best" of holidays this season. Sometimes they're lonely, sometimes it's a bad reminder of things of the past, sometimes it's stressful due to family or the lack there of. Whatever it might be - whether it's ...
when it rains, it pours
Have you ever noticed that things comes in threes, or when shit goes, or when great things happen, it all comes in some form of abundance? Sometimes it's a luxury, other times it feels overwhelming and a bit like a burden. Wondering, why? But why is this all happening now? to me? Perhaps it's not ...
Love a little harder
It's easy to not try, give up, move on, not check in, feel too busy, or think I'll get back to that person later. But what if we keep making excuses, or not "finding" time... sometimes, it becomes too late. We may lose that friend or significant other or relative. They may decide, we've given ...
This version of you
Written by: Anonymous Contributor. Whose perception is reality? The one we hold of ourselves? Or the one others hold of us?I had just finished a 14 hour day, one where I had to scold a subordinate and listen to what seemed to be crisis after crisis with very little patience left. I canceled dinner with my ...
Everything Can Change in a Blink of an Eye
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. Want a crash course on life? Here it is. Be a 36-year-old looking to make major changes in life, not entirely happy with the life she has, feeling like something has to change and drop a cantaloupe-sized cyst in her pelvis. This is literally what happened to me the ...
Flip the negative
Have you had that day when all you can do is see through negative lens glasses. Those rose colored ones cannot be found. You are literally in a downward spiral of thinking everything sucks and every person is annoying you. It shows on your face. It can be heard in your voice. And the energy ...
Holidays aren’t always easy
While many of run around from holiday markets to buying presents to taking tours of the twinkling light shows in pure enjoyment, some others may be smiling on the outside, while feeling lonely or perhaps a tad bitter on the inside. The holidays are not all smiles and joy. They can lead to depression, loneliness, ...
Being grateful
Saying thank you, feeling the sense of bliss, appreciating what you have versus what you don't, being thankful for how far you've come, where you are today, and realizing what you should be grateful for is a wonderful thing. It makes us smile, it brings out positive vibes, makes us feel lighter, happier, and it ...
Holding Space for Everyone
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. I have held space for everyone. Been doing it since I was a child. I didn’t realize this until recently when someone pointed it out. I thought, “Shit, I’ve let everyone in!” Were you a good person, you had a space, a bad person you had a space too. ...
It’s complicated…
Where do you start? Life is just plain complicated. We run around in circles sometimes, trying to get the result we want by doing the same thing over and over. Sounds a bit like insanity. We wish we could simplify our daily lives. Make our future clearer. Find a way to solve our issues with ...