
Fall into this Autumn Playlist

By Saturday, September 16, 2023 0 , , , , Permalink

The perfect way to fall into this pumpkin spiced season is a playlist full of moody vibey tunes ... Are you ready for Hocus Pocus, Practical Magic, The Craft, Gilmore Girls, and Harry Potter season? Because we are. It's full of apple pies, pumpkin pies, cozy warm feelings, and comfortable nights with that chill in ...


When things feel difficult, focus on the present

...Be grateful, for what you do have, and worry less about what you don't. The grass always seems greener, but sometimes it's just a mirage. Things can get tough whether it be work, relationships, family issues, health... but in the end a lot of these things are either temporary, and there are bigger things at ...


Can you see through the storm?

Let's take a little journey and see if we can see through to the other side together? She ran into the storm Thunder surrounding her Lighting crashing behind and in front of her Rain coming sideways She wasn't able to see 6 inches ahead Yet she kept moving She knew she had to She had to keep moving The storm was one she ...