...this coming from a Type double-A planner, who lives and dies by her Google Calendar. It has everything from the things to pack for work, appointments, to errands to run, and plans with friends. My sister once said, did you plan our bathroom breaks in Paris too? Not so far off, back then. But as of ...
Pleasing others or yourself?
What's more important? Please others or yourself? The moral person, the person who believes in karma, the one who is caring and kind, and unselfish, says others...of course. But is that really always the case? Should it always be others? If you know me, you know I have a large tendency to put others in front ...
Being unsettled
Imagine, you're loving your job, you have a cozy home, and a support network of friends and family. You get your workout in when you can, and you're enjoying life. It's the perfect balance. And then one day one of those things comes loose from its hinges. You feel the sense of being rattled. Your ...
The Power of the Stubborn
Stubborn. Some call it a weakness, while others call it a strength. What is it though? Me, I hate to lose or not be the best at things. For example, when I was a kid, my brother would let me win at video games, and when I realized he was letting me win, it only hardened ...
Six Acts of Kindness
Being kind, it seems so simple. But sometimes I feel like we forget how much it truly embodies. The definition of kindness (according to Wiki) - is a "behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and concern for others..." and there are so many ways to deliver on this virtue. Opening your Eyes - ...
12 Things To Make You Happy That Don’t Cost a Thing
Written by blog contributor, Daniela Forte. Being happy is an inside job. It is a job that we have to do every single day in order to make our lives fulfilling. Just like any job it is no easy task, especially if happiness feels so far beyond your reach. For me personally, happiness is not an easy ...
Change your story, own your mind
Ever think to yourself... I hate my butt. I wish I had more money. I feel alone. I wish I had time for a vacation. Why can't my boobs be bigger and my waist smaller. I wish people appreciated me. Why does everything happen to me. Why can't I have more time. Hello, self pity. Woe is me. If ...
What makes you happy?
There a lot of ways we can be happy. Sometimes it's making time for our kids. Sometimes it's taking time to sleep more. Other times it's being productive and feeling accomplished. But sometimes we get caught up in the everyday grind, and lose sight of doing things that make us happy. It's easy to do, life ...
Combating the Fear of Failure
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. “Eat, Pray, Love” Author Elizabeth Gilbert once said, that fear is boring. When she wrote this on one of her Facebook posts one day, I realized how right she was (I always think she’s right, but I’m biased). It is. Because all it does is stop you from doing what ...
One year
A lot can happen in a year. For me the past year has meant a new adventure. A time of transition, new everything, and finding myself all over again. Whether it's New Year's, the start of Spring, or the start of Fall. Take time to reflect. What did that year bring you? Was it full of ...