Have you had that day when all you can do is see through negative lens glasses. Those rose colored ones cannot be found. You are literally in a downward spiral of thinking everything sucks and every person is annoying you. It shows on your face. It can be heard in your voice. And the energy ...
When is enough, enough?
There's so much in our lives that have become over-indulgences. From food (the average size of pants has gone up two sizes), to obsessive workout trends, fast fashion (luckily eco-friendly is becoming more the norm as well), all the digital screens we possess and the time we spend with them. the necessity of our phones, ...
Bailing…What’s the Alt?
We all live busy lives. There's always something "better" to do. Or sometimes our couch is just calling our names in front of the netflix series we're currently digging. It's just too easy to "bail" or have an excuse to skip dinner, that event, or just that hangout. But what if we made the effort ...
Hurt people, hurt people
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. This saying is all over the internet, I’ve seen it on Pinterest, I’ve seen it on Instagram, and it is very true. This thought came across my mind this past weekend when I seriously binged Netflix’s “13 Reasons Why,” season three. I don’t know if any of you have ...
It’s complicated…
Where do you start? Life is just plain complicated. We run around in circles sometimes, trying to get the result we want by doing the same thing over and over. Sounds a bit like insanity. We wish we could simplify our daily lives. Make our future clearer. Find a way to solve our issues with ...
Finding the Work-Life Balance as a Single Woman
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. Are you married? Do you have kids? Those are the two most asked questions a woman in her 30s and younger are asked these days. All the time. There aren’t any questions about whether we love our careers or are we even happy with our lives. Those questions are hardly if ever ...
Do people change?
I've heard many times from folks, on TV, etc that "people don't change" --- that down in their core they're always going to remain the same. If they're stubborn, they will remain that way. If they're selfish, they won't adapt to the positive. To some extent I believe that to be true. If someone has ...
Too little, too late
There was a day, when a friend jeopardized our friendship by creating distance through unanswered calls, little to no texts, and not even the regular holiday or birthday messages. It's unfortunate when friendships fade, but what happens when that person tries to re-enter your life? Do you let them? In my opinion, it depends on the ...
Take Out the Garbage in Your Life
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. I am not just talking about the garbage under your sink (well maybe that too) I am talking about the garbage you have allowed (yes, allowed… because we do ugh) in your life. What is the garbage? It’s the negativity that surrounds you. It’s the bad talk you say to yourself ...
Don’t let the past rule your future
The problem many of us have is that we compare our past to our present, and what our future may hold. Yes, it's great to learn from our past, but it shouldn't dictate what we do and how we evaluate things going forward in every respect. So what makes sense and doesn't? Learn from the ...