Ever think...wow, she's married already? Wow she got a promotion before me? Wow she's so far in her career? Wow she's so fit? Wow I wish I could be that ambitious? Wow they already have 2 kids? Wow she owns a home? Comparison is like stabbing yourself with hot pokers over and over. It's painful and ...
Why is Patience so Hard?
According to Psychology Today, it's not easy, but even a dog can do it... "My dog eats two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. She is trained to sit until the bowl is on the floor before she leaps to start eating. She does it, but it is a ...
9 Ways to Get Yourself Ready for Summer (And It Doesn’t Involve Exercise!)
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. I will be the first to admit, I am not a fan of the summer months, I prefer the crisp cool days of fall, when the leaves are turning and the air has that faint scent of a burning wood, that is my favorite season. But we’re not going to talk ...
Will you ever catch the red dot?
There's something about that "red dot" that cat's can't help but run after. It's elusive. It's a chase. It's clever. And it's for a challenge. No matter how many times they fail or think they almost have it, they won't give up. Some are smart enough to realize the source of that red dot, and ...
Where does our confidence stem from?
Confidence. It's a bitch ain't it? It can either make you feel awesome or the complete opposite. You feel like you can conquer the world or the world is conquering you. It's tough to be confident every day or every moment or for all the moments that matter. We aren't perfect - and that's probably ...
Taking the time to do the long distance friendship
In your 20s, your friends surround you. In your 30s your friends are spread everywhere. They are in the burbs, different cities, different states, even continents. As cliché, as it sounds thank goodness for the digital age. Nowadays we can text, gchat, snap, and gram our friends in seconds and feel an assemblence of connection ...
Mother’s and Father’s Day – a regular ritual?
I was recently speaking to my hair stylist, mid-cut, and she mentioned that her family didn’t celebrate Mother’s Day. They celebrated Women’s Day in March, and ensured they gave care and appreciation for their parents on a regular basis, rather than celebrating extra once a year. This made me think…shouldn’t we all do this? Yes, ...
Six Ways to Love Yourself…Today
It's easy to hate on ourselves and pick at ourselves for the littlest of things...usually things that no one else notices, but us. But why don't we change the story...make it about self appreciation and loving yourself and who you are, vs. picking at the little scabs and wounds. Here are a few ways to get ...
New beginnings
As Daniela put it in her post about endings - new beginnings are just around the corner. We don't always realize at the time of stress or frustration that there is something else waiting...waiting to be discovered. Recently a lot of friends of mine have been going through a rough time. Some with jobs. Others with ...
Every Ending Brings a New Beginning
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. What is it about endings in life that make things feel so scary? It is the unknown. If you are anything like me, endings of any kind are never easy. They suck actually. Just recently I had a new ending, one I wasn’t expecting for a little while. I totaled my ...