Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. I can’t honestly say I have been grateful for everything this year. While I have had some wonderful moments happen and I have met some new people who have shown me kindness I hadn’t seen in a long time, I found gratitude to be lacking in my life. I have instead ...
Same input, same output
...do you really want to be that hamster who's still running on the same wheel, not really going anywhere? I doubt it, cause I sure as hell don't. I had a spin instructor recently say...if you stay at the same wattage, or don't change something about your method of attack for this stage of the ride, ...
What do you really want?
A lot of times, we do what we think we should be doing. We study the subjects our parents hoped for us. We take the jobs that seem sensible. The jobs that will make us money in the long run. We try to think of the normal path of high school, college, maybe grad school, ...
Getting through the week
...is hard enough. But this playlist should help get over that hump! Listen now. :) #radiatedaily image source - pixabay
Why September is the perfect refresh button…
Maybe it's not for everyone, but September has been my perfect refresh, many a years over. It's like the school year is starting, but instead we're grownups. We're not buying new notebooks and pencils, but instead, perhaps we're buying a couple new outfits. We have a chance to refresh our lifestyle and ourselves. We can ...
Being unsettled
Imagine, you're loving your job, you have a cozy home, and a support network of friends and family. You get your workout in when you can, and you're enjoying life. It's the perfect balance. And then one day one of those things comes loose from its hinges. You feel the sense of being rattled. Your ...
7 seconds to decide…
According to TIME, "Every day, we face thousands of decisions both major and minor — from whether to eat that decadent chocolate cupcake to when to pursue a new romantic relationship or to change careers..." But how we make those choices are either automatic or a struggle. Typically, according to Exploring the Mind , "decisions ...
Why is Patience so Hard?
According to Psychology Today, it's not easy, but even a dog can do it... "My dog eats two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. She is trained to sit until the bowl is on the floor before she leaps to start eating. She does it, but it is a ...
Will you ever catch the red dot?
There's something about that "red dot" that cat's can't help but run after. It's elusive. It's a chase. It's clever. And it's for a challenge. No matter how many times they fail or think they almost have it, they won't give up. Some are smart enough to realize the source of that red dot, and ...
Overcome the Fear of Failure
If you've failed once, maybe twice, or thrice... you cant help but be a little gun shy the next time around. It can give a dip in confidence, create anxiety and at times avoidance of the things we should be pursuing. But how the hell does that help us? It doesn't...obviously. So instead, let's beat ...