I struggle with healthier choices, just like the next person. I constantly crave sugar and carbs, but being gluten free has changed that for me. The options are less, which in turn has made me make healthier food choices overall. But you don't have to be GF to eat better. It all starts with a mindset, ...
The Five Things you MUST do this Summer
If you're like me and live in the northeast, you know that summer is fleeting. It rushes in and runs away before you can truly experience everything you were hoping to. We get stuck behind our desks, our computers, and our own stubborn minds to get outside and do something. We make excuses that we ...
Self Image, what a Bitch
With the summer here in full force, and less clothing to be worn, we can't help but be a little more self conscious at times. And with age comes more body issues we hadn't even thought could be a problem. Who knew there was such a thing as armpit fat? Seriously. Our own self image of ...
RD Profile of the Week: Jill Hanner
A fitness enthusiast. A trainer. A baker. And a friend. Why I admire her: She is a woman who has publicly discussed her past issues with harassment in the workplace. She has been beaten down emotionally more than once. And although it has given her grief and pulled her down a few times, she has over come ...
Walking: My new Best Friend
I've lived in Boston for a while, and one of the best perks about this small city is that you can literally walk everywhere. Remember this past winter when it snowed and it was freezing almost every day? I still walked 2.25 miles to work and back each day. That's 4 and a half miles ...
Summer and Eating Healthy On The Go
It's getting warmer. I know it's true for me, but I have less desire to eat hot meals, and I'm constantly on the go. Then there's the problem of being healthy but not having the time or wanting to cook a million things in advance for each week. Although, I meal prep regularly, I don't do ...
Exercise: Invest In Yourself
Finding time to workout seems impossible sometimes. But like anything else in your life that's worthwhile, it's important to carve out the time to invest in yourself. I think of exercise as two-fold: an investment for today and an investment for tomorrow. Investment for Today It's Monday morning and my body is saying roll back over, hit ...
Time for Me.
It used to seem so silly when people said, I just need some "me time." Now, I say it more often that I can recall. Between work, seeing friends, plans I've made for a celebration, a networking event, a day trip, and the random dinners...sometimes I just want my couch. Or my bed. Or my ...
Change Your Story
I recently wrote a post for socialnomics, around brands being a positive inspiration for marketers and consumers. I'm constantly inspired by brands - whether they be blogs, fitness brands, and/or brands just putting out a motivational message. In the days of so many screens, so much snow (for real), and less time for ourselves, it ...
Why do we fear 30?
Turning 30 was a big number. I remember thinking, No. Just No. My friend Julia Roy, said she would wear black on her birthday in mourning of the horrific number. But why do we fear 30? As much as I feared that age, I actually fear 35 more. Why? Because: I'm afraid I won't have accomplished everything ...