Society and media has made it an assumption that we need to work out a million hours a day and week to have the perfect body. That we need cleanses and only eat raw food. Never even sniff a donut. Can drive us all a little batty, don't you think? It's great to care about fitness ...
5 Ways to Focus on Fitness this Summer
Written by blogging contributor, Tammy Luksich The summer season is upon us. For many families this means backyard barbecues, camping, popsicles, parades and travel. If you’re traveling to spend time with friends and family, here are a few simple ways to stay on track with your health and fitness goals. Avoid Bread. I know. I know. Easier ...
Ground Control to… Major Comparison
With Victoria Secret Angels, Instagram showing young females who look better at 16 than we ever could have imagined, Magazines showing us what the ideal swimsuit body looks like, and how X or Y lost all that baby weight before they even gave birth, how can we not compare our own selves to what the ...
Blink first
When you're stuck in what feels like a staring contest, one where you can't get yourself to "blink first" because you know it'll be a downward cycle, you keep staring. You hold strong. You don't let yourself give in to the ghosts of yesterday or the weaknesses that turn you down today. You allow yourself ...
Don’t drown
Don't drown in the madness of your daily life. Don't let yourself eat your feelings. Drink your frustrations. Sleep away your sorrow. Don't let yourself become a shell of yourself just going through the motions of your life. It would be a sad, sad, world if we all went through life this way. There are days ...
Moderation is Key
Written by contributing blogger, Sonia Sahota. With summer approaching, I have been trying out all sorts of diets and cleanses to become "beach body" ready. I found myself spending a ridiculous amount of money just to have bottled juice that consists of ginger, lemon, and green tea a few times a week. I finally realized how ...
Exercise Anywhere, For Real
Because sometimes you don't want to go to the gym, or don't have the budget or the time. There are plenty of other options, including ways to work out at home (or on the go). Nowadays you don't have to buy dvd sets, you can stream the lessons or have an app at your disposal ...
Workout Tunes are a Must
Working out can sometimes take a little motivation, and a playlist to kick you into gear, is the perfect ticket. Tunes you can rock out too, dance to, imagine being Beyonce to, or just plain being "boss" to at the gym. And of course when you run that 10K (or 1 mile, whatever). Rock out on ...
The Beauty of Perseverance
Written by blog contributor, Tammy Luksich. Webster’s Dictionary defines perseverance as steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Perseverance is the breaking point, which drives the car of maturity and success. It separates the mediocre from the overachievers, the B+ from the A-, the laborer from the foreman. The process of developing ...
The Exercise Routine You Can Do Anywhere
We're busy. We're in a rush. We're lazy. We're tired. We're over-worked. We're' traveling. We have a lot of excuses to not get to the gym and/or not work out on a regular basis. Basically we have a lot of bullshit. Don't you think? Luckily there are some exercise routines you can do in 15 minutes ...