With Spring coming in full force, the sun being out longer, we can't help but want to be more active. However, if most of your day is working, how can you get more steps in or add in more activity Being active...takes effort. Some of us drive to work, sit at work, eat at our desk, ...
Five ways to increase self care today
Self care is not a once a week or once a month type thing. It's a daily practice to care for yourself in ways that make you a better version of you. Some days that means just resting. Other days it may mean doing all that adulting you wanted to avoid. Other days it may ...
What parts of 2020/2021 might be good to hold on to?
Yes, the pandemic has sucked. Yes, losing businesses, retail closures, restaurants, and broadway and more has sucked. A lot of it, has sucked. Flipping the script for a minute, there have been a few good things that came out of the last year (year+)... Communicating better with friends and family who live further awayTrying to find ...
Surviving WFH
Working. From. Home. What a concept...something so enticing, and not so available to many of us...before Covid. And then, it became all too real. March 10, 2020 was my first day of working from home at my job, and we all thought ok by summer or early fall we'll be back in the office. It ...
Keep moving
Your goals. It may be 2021, but it's just another year. Some of us use the "fresh start" of January to help us regain motivation and to jump into new areas of productivity and health --- which are all great. Any inspiration or motivation we can find or use, is a good thing. Things to ...
to the gym we go
It's like a hamster wheel...every January a whole new lot of folks sign up for gyms and studios and classes - hoping to better themselves whether it's to lose weight, be healthy, and/or achieve a fitness goal. Then we have those who have been going on a regular basis, throughout the year, and January is ...
move your body…
As the backstreet boys once said... Everybody Yeah Rock your body Yeah Everybody Rock your body right Backstreet's back Alright AlrightNow throw your hands up in the air Wave them 'round like you just don't care If you wanna party let me hear you yell 'Cause we got it going on again- Backsteet Boys, Backstreet's Back Whether ...
Diet Starts on Monday
Written by Contributing Blogger, Sonia Sahota. “Diet starts on Monday..” How many of you have caught yourself saying these exact words? I’m sure many of you have your hands raised including myself. As summer is setting sail, we are all trying to be beach ready with clean eating during the week to fuel our bodies for ...
Winter doesn’t mean the work stops…
A lot of feel like hibernation mode kicks into high gear the second the days get shorter and the sun goes down faster. We have the comfort food cravings of the holidays and the laziness of going to the gym in the cold temps is inevitable. However - do you really want that whole pie, and ...
Jumpstart your morning
Written by contributing blogger Sonia Sahota. ..How is it already Monday morning? Last I knew, it was Saturday afternoon and I was cuddling up with a warm blanket and my favorite show The Resident. I blinked — suddenly my alarm went off, I ripped the blankets off, jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready. ...