Over the years, especially as many people move away, get engaged, have kids, or get busy in their own lives...things change. Friendships change. Some people will put in the effort to be there despite the changes, and others will falter. Which one are you? Some friendships just grow apart, and that's ok. Not all relationships are meant ...
Why is Patience so Hard?
According to Psychology Today, it's not easy, but even a dog can do it... "My dog eats two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. She is trained to sit until the bowl is on the floor before she leaps to start eating. She does it, but it is a ...
Because Appearance Matters
When you work in a casual work environment, such as my office, it’s easy to become lax in your efforts to dress up and look professional each and every day. I, myself, have fallen victim to it as well. You can’t help but want to throw on a comfy pullover with jeans and a pair ...