For some people, a job defines who they are. For others it's their role in their relationship or family. For some it's the impact they have within society and a change they can help make. I used to think my job defined me. My personal brand was/is a digital marketer within the Boston community. I mean ...
Spreading yourself Thin – Sometimes it’s just TOO Easy
A very honest, tangible, and actionable post by Hanneke Antonelli, teaches us it's sometimes necessary to understand how we spread ourselves thin. Between working late hours, finding time for friends, and family, we sometimes forget to find time for ourselves. So important. I know I try to take a little time for myself, each day. ...
Career Paths are like Chasing a Cat
There comes a time where we all question where we are going with our lives. What job should I have? Is this what I want to do for the rest of my life? Where will be in 10 years? 20 years? There is no direct path. There is no map or plan. You have to ...
Training to be the best version of yourself
This post was written by blogger, Audrea. Over the past two years I’ve been trying to find new ways to challenge my limits, realize how strong I am and push myself to achieve things that felt out of reach. I’ve been on a quest to create the best version of myself through weekly, monthly and quarterly ...
“Where do you work?” My Most Dreaded Question.
For the past 3.5 months I have found myself unemployed for the first time since I was 16 years old. The experience has been revealing to say the least. Now, I quit my prior position by choice. Albeit, one of the most difficult ones I have made in years. Much like a relationship, my job ...
Create a life you don’t need to vacation from
This is a guest post written by contributor Audrea. I just returned from 8 days in Paris and feel like a new women. I have that refreshed, invigorated, seize the day type of glow that screams happiness. I feel focused and ready to take on the world. I woke- up this morning thinking, “How do I ...
Why do we fear 30?
Turning 30 was a big number. I remember thinking, No. Just No. My friend Julia Roy, said she would wear black on her birthday in mourning of the horrific number. But why do we fear 30? As much as I feared that age, I actually fear 35 more. Why? Because: I'm afraid I won't have accomplished everything ...