Recently I wrote about something that meant more than a vacation to me - helping a puppy (6 months old) get surgery so it had a chance to walk and more-so get a chance to be adopted by a loving family. I donated the money and Pink - now known as Phoebe - is recovering ...
How to be Kind Always
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. Kindness towards others is not a hard thing, it’s actually rather simple. Hold a door for someone, help someone with their groceries, buy someone a cup of coffee, read to child. All of these acts are acts of kindness. This month will forever be ingrained in my mind as two years ...
How much will you let them withdraw?
Are you a "people pleaser"? The type of person who is always there for a friend or family member in "need"? The person who people vent to and lean on on a regular basis? Hey that's not a bad thing. It means you're reliable, people trust you, and know they can count on you. All wonderful ...
three ways to feel more fulfilled
Most of us...or at least I'd like to believe...want to leave this world a better place. They want to make an impact. They want to leave a legacy. They want to help people, the earth, and make life a little bit better for themselves, their family, and those that they leave behind. We want a ...
Alone on Valentine’s Day…Again
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. Don’t let the title of this blog post fool you, there isn’t anything wrong with being alone on Valentine’s Day. Or any day for that matter. Nothing. So why does our culture make it seem like being “alone” as in not in a relationship, not a Mom or Dad make ...
Blaming Yourself for Other People’s Mistakes
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. Raise your hand if you’ve ever placed self-blame when someone has hurt you… (raises hand high!). I have become a pro at this, I lie awake at night thinking, “Shit, I must have done such a terrible thing for that person to have done or said that…” or worse, “What ...
What is self love?
People define self love in a few different ways. For some it's about the bath and glass of wine at the end of a rough day. For others it's about grinding at the gym or popping on a great movie to unwind and forget the world for a minute. But is that enough? I definitely appreciate ...
The Legacy of Giving
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. A few weeks ago, a great-aunt of mine passed away. She had been ill for quite some time, it was expected that at any moment, she would pass away. What we didn’t expect however, is how much of her life would have an impact on the family. In the last few ...
Pleasing others or yourself?
What's more important? Please others or yourself? The moral person, the person who believes in karma, the one who is caring and kind, and unselfish, says others...of course. But is that really always the case? Should it always be others? If you know me, you know I have a large tendency to put others in front ...
Where does our confidence stem from?
Confidence. It's a bitch ain't it? It can either make you feel awesome or the complete opposite. You feel like you can conquer the world or the world is conquering you. It's tough to be confident every day or every moment or for all the moments that matter. We aren't perfect - and that's probably ...