Instead of thinking of a "bucket" list, where you think you won't have much time, and want to accomplish a certain list before moving or if you're ill, etc -- what about a life list? One, it sounds more positive and uplifting because it's about living your list rather than trying to get through a list. ...
Have you started your bucket list?
A lot of times when I hear about bucket lists, it's when people are looking to move from their current home/city, or are getting older and want to complete a list of things they always wanted to do. But who says we need to wait until these occasions to have and cross off our bucket ...
Why Everyone Needs a “Staycation”
Written by Contributing Blogger, Daniela Forte. As the summer is drawing to a close, it's a great time to sneak in one more vacation. Last month I personally took a week-long “staycation” because my only plan was relaxation. This was seriously all I had on my agenda. I just wanted to relax and enjoy five days of the ...