Have you heard the saying, “work smarter, not harder” ?! I used to think it meant the same thing in a lot of ways, because to work smart, you had to work hard. However, that’s not always the case. And “working” doesn’t just apply to your day job. It could apply to your chores, your workout, your health, your relationship, etc.
It’s about finding the right balance, focusing on what matters, and putting in effort where it needed at the right time. In turn, you work in a more delegated pace, and you aren’t working (hopefully not as often) longer hours, and draining your days. Same goes for for when you exercise – you don’t have to work out for 2 hours, but instead consider focused workouts, like HIIT and strength training that allow you to be smarter about how you exercise rather than having to spend so many hours “at the gym.”
As for relationships, they take time, and effort, and patience, and work. Sometimes it’s hard, but if you are smart, you’ll put in the time where it’s needed, and when it’s needed, and also take time for yourself. Taking time for yourself means you’re in a better mental space, and able to give more of yourself to the person you’re with and a better piece of yourself too. And taking time for yourself has many forms – it can going to see your friends for an evening instead, or working out, or taking a day to read and veg without significant other. It’s whatever it needs to be for you, to maintain a better version of yourself for you, and in turn, your partner.
I’ve had patterns where I feel like I am drained at work, or feel like I need to put in more time in exercise to get better results. And then I realized I needed to change my pattern. Since I like to workout in the AM, I do my cardio then, and if I feel stressed about work, I check my emails while I’m spinning (I have a laptop desk on the bike arms), so I can get in a decent workout, but also be productive in checking “off” my inbox before work starts, and feel like I’m starting the day fresh, and less stressed. And since we’re WFH (at least I am) currently, I can squeeze in other workouts like pilates or barre or weights during lunch or whenever allows me a quick 20 minute sanity check. That way I’m feeling productive in multiple facets of my life, without feeling like I’m only focused on one, all the time. And in turn my evenings, can be left to catching up with friends over the phone or going for a walk, etc. Or perhaps just watching my favorite netflix show. Whatever suits my fancy that evening. Yes, there are times when I have to work longer and into the night, but I try not to let that happen every evening. Balance. Working Smarter. Not harder. All the time.
Where’s your balance? How are you being smarter about your daily routine and relationships, especially with yourself?
Until next time, #radiatedaily
image source: pixabay