You know when the weather is gorgeous and all your friends are hanging at the beach, there is no way you want to be doing work or “adulting”… but it is possible to get shit done, and still have fun.
Here’s how you can strike your summer balance:
- Wake up earlier – Luckily this time of year the sun is up early too. You can get to that spin class at 6am and have your evenings to play vs. feeling guilty when you know you “should” go to the gym but really want to attend happy hour.
- Use your Monday and Tuesdays – As these are already days we associate with working more, use the evenings to get a little extra done and out of the way before the weekend.
- Delegate – If you can afford it, hire a cleaning service to come once a week/month (pending finances and needs) to clean your place vs. having to scour for time yourself.
- Meal prep – Prep your lunch and dinners Sunday night (or whenever you have a couple hours to cook that weekend) so you can not worry about making meals during the week.
- Prioritize your list – Do the things you MUST do first, and the ones that are “nice to haves” consider doing at least 1-2 (it’ll make you feel better). And then you’ll enjoy the fun time more.
- Choose your time wisely – Unfortunately most of us can’t always take off the whole weekend to play, so instead, dedicate certain pockets of time to JUST fun, so you know that time is quality, vs. trying to do work and fun in the same time or day. For example, I always take Friday nights off because you’ve already worked all week and need the break. And on the weekend, I dedicate certain mornings or evenings to cleaning or prepping, and looking over some work as needed. And when I make plans with friends – i.e. brunch or dinner, or a day trip, that time is dedicated to them.
And when you still want more time…take a vacation!
image source – pixabay