This week we’re trying something a little different. Sometimes you can’t just pick one. So we’re picking 3. And perhaps I’m a little biased on these three, because I know them personally, but they’re remarkable, driven, kickass women that need to be appreciated.
1. Janet Aronica – From Buffalo to Boston, this female has climbed the ladder in marketing to starting her own consulting business and now her own clothing line. Cube Riot – a made in the USA blazer company is coming your way soon, and until then her content game on career advice for working women is on point. She is one chic who is going to make strides in both marketing and the startup world.
2. Elisabeth Michaud – A Harvard graduate with a passion for great food, digital marketing, and giving her honest opinion is another savvy Boston marketer. She’s made her way through the agency land and into the startup world as a content marketer who has a passion for worldly causes and hopes to make an impact for the positive. Another female who has a true passion behind her, and the skills to back it up.
3. Kristin Dziadul – A startup girl from the get-go who broke loose to start her own marketing business and has grown so fast, I can’t keep track of how many different clients she’s worked on. With a team to back her up, and a side venture known as Fit Paleo Life, she is not only smart, but driven. She has made what some people may view as a weakness – being Paleo for health reasons – but it is not a weakness, it’s become her strength. She’s shared her story, and now is inspiring others to embrace the lifestyle as well.
Follow them. I know I do.
July 13, 2015
Great chicks.