Rainy Sundays (or any rainy evening) are perfect for taking a step back and chilling the hell out. Reducing priorities, having a lazy morning, and deciding to do the things you never get to do when you’re running around.
Listen to an old school playlist
Read a good book that sucks you in, like Tana French’s In the WoodsÂ
Binge watch a new or semi-new series, like Bloodline on Netflix
Listen to a podcast that inspires you, like TED Radio Hour
De-clutter your closet and enjoy the progress you made
Play catch with your fur buddy
Order in takeout because you can
Call an old friend and dish on the latest shows you’re digging
Don’t binge on Facebook – you can do that any day
Don’t eat your entire fridge, because you may regret that
Do have some dessert, because yes
Take a cat nap