updated post...
We all do it. We think through what we can do better, what more we want of the upcoming year. How much further we want to be in our careers, relationships, finances, happiness and more. There are a lot of resolutions we can make. And sometimes too many.
Instead of making a huge ass list, why not focus on something that encompasses the idea of what you want in your life. Yes you may want to lose 10 pounds, eat healthier, have kids, buy a house, or perhaps you just want that promotion, and that dog you’ve been staring at in the shelter each week. Perhaps you just want some peace of mind.
Take a moment and think. What is the one word that will encompass your goals and accomplishments in this year.
Three years ago, I chose the word/theme “excitement” as my mantra. A couple years ago, I choose “badass” because I don’t just want to accomplish my goals, I want to unveil my “badassery” (yes I may have made up that word) and allow myself to shine. I want to be MORE bold. MORE confident. I was recently told I can be intimidating at first, due to my presence based on my accomplishments and success to date. But you know what…that’s silly. I am kind, warm-hearted, and yes, perhaps my accomplishments may be intimidating, but that is not going to stop me from moving forward, and being a bigger badass.
This year I choose two words. MOVE and BELIEVE.
Move: Move physically, emotionally and mentally. Always find ways to move forward. Whether it’s a step or a mile, just keep looking forward.
Believe: You are are able to what you are here to accomplish whether it’s personally or professionally. Believe, and believe in yourself.
What’s your word?
Until next time, #radiatedaily
image source – pixabay