I love a good challenge and setting actionable goals- especially athletic ones. A few years ago I began to run. I’m hesitant to say that I became a “runner” because I feel like that term is a bit extreme for me. I really enjoyed running at the time as it was a great way to burn off steam, stay in shape, and enjoy the beautiful scenery around me. I never imagined (even pre-running days) that I would complete multiple 5k, 10k, and 1/2 marathon races, but they were fun goals to set and held me accountable for staying in shape. I did reasonably well with the 1/2 marathon distance and in the back of my mind I had the pipe dream of running the Boston Marathon one day. I guess that’s the Bostonian in me!
2014 was a bit of a whirlwind for me, from moving back home to Boston, starting a new job, and settling into a new life routine. I still had the goal of running the Boston Marathon in 2015 as I was now back in the city and would have a huge network of runners to train with. I applied to run with a charitable organization close to my heart that I’ve raised money for in the past, hoping I would be chosen for a coveted spot in one of the most amazing and intense sporting events around. Unfortunately, I wasn’t chosen to be a part of the team to run the Marathon. At first, I was incredibly disappointed- but then about 5 minutes later I felt a sense of relief. Not because I wouldn’t have to train to run a grueling 26.2 miles in the dead of winter, but because it presented an opportunity to take on a different challenge- a new carrot to chase.
Besides running, I’ve been an avid indoor cycler- more specifically of choreographed spin classes- for quite some time. If you’re wondering what the heck a “choreographed spin class” is, it’s basically a dance party on a bike where get your booty kicked at the same time. A true mind, body, and soul experience. Chances are you’ve heard of Soul Cycle, however my home base in Boston for spinning is B/Spoke Studios in the Financial District. I am so grateful to find an awesome community of athletes that have also become inspiring friends.
This January, the light went off and I found my new carrot to chase as B/Spoke created a challenge for its avid riders. The challenge, aptly titled #Club101 as the studio is located at 101 Federal Street, is to participate in one hundred and one 45 minute spin classes by July 3rd. Sounds like a great, yet intense challenge, right? The other motivating factor for me is that July 3rd is also my birthday. Game ON.
I was off to a solid start in January- hitting 3, 4, and sometimes 5 classes a week. Unfortunately the epic amounts of snow in Boston have put a bit of a wrench in my plan for the time being. Once the T is fully functional again, and I’m able to hit 4 classes a week, I’ll be back in action and tapping it back to 101 classes by July 3rd. It’s happening- no if’s, and’s, or but’s . There may be some weeks where I’ll have to double up on classes- one in the morning and one in the evening. Wish me luck!
I’ll keep you posted on my status as I get closer and closer to becoming a member of #Club101. Stay tuned. Oh- and I would love for you to come join me for a class at B/Spoke sometime!
Setting goals and chasing carrots is just one of the ways I make room to #RadiateDaily. How about you?