I was recently speaking to my hair stylist, mid-cut, and she mentioned that her family didn’t celebrate Mother’s Day. They celebrated Women’s Day in March, and ensured they gave care and appreciation for their parents on a regular basis, rather than celebrating extra once a year. This made me think…shouldn’t we all do this? Yes, Mother’s Day is awesome – who doesn’t want to give an extra thanks.
Families are complicated. Some of us have a mom and dad, some of us have two moms, some of us have neither. Some of us have friends or extended family who we are closer with. Either way, there is “typically” someone we look up to and consider someone we feel loyal to and truly value in a parental sense.
So what can we do each day, week or month rather than just once a year:
- Say thank you. I love you. – Sometimes just a few words to show your appreciation can go a long way.
- Spend time with that person. – Not just a during holidays type thing.
- Have a grownup relationship with them. – We aren’t kids anymore and our parents are no longer the ones who tell us what to do (we hope).
- Give them respect for what they’ve done for you. – Perhaps they put you through college, helped with your wedding, or worked day and night so you could have food on the table. Show them it was worth it.
- Actions speak louder than words. – Pay it back and provide them dinner on the table one night. You can’t imagine what that smile feels like until you see it.
Whether it’s the recent Mother’s Day or upcoming Father’s Day or anyway, remember – it’s not a bad day to say …thank you.