Written by contributing blogger, Sonia Sahota.
I woke up last Sunday morning wishing that I had an extra day between Sunday and Monday. Mondays remind you of the long and dreary week ahead. An hour after tossing, turning and the debate to sleep in..I decided I’m tired of feeling this way on Sunday mornings. Truth is, there will NEVER be a day between Sunday and Monday. There is only the next few hours before the clock strikes 12 and your lovely long week awaits. I decided to change my mindset and put a positive spin on things. Summer is almost upon us and we should make every beautiful sunny day count. We only have a few months of warm weather (at least here in New England) so let’s get the ball rolling on making each week worthwhile..starting with Mondays.
Here are a few things you can do on Sundays to make Mondays a little less blue and your whole week a lot more enjoyable.
Tip 1) Make a priority to go grocery shopping.
Why? Most people think of shopping for groceries a chore and only get a few things they need which means you will have to make a second trip mid-week. Let’s make food shopping productive and get everything you need for the entire week. This way, you will just need to come back the following Sunday. Make it a weekly tradition to gather all of the items for breakfast, a healthy work lunch, snacks so you don’t become hangry and turn on your co-workers as well as dinner. Remember, buy a bottle of wine to get through hump day and any extra necessities for weekend festivities with friends. Meal prepping saves so much time during the week and ensures that you eat healthy instead of taking last minute pizza stops. Summer is coming and you want to feel your best, so meal prep is life-changing. Saves money, time and your waistline. I’m a huge fan of treating yourself so make sure to get treats and your favorite bottle of wine (hello rosé season), cider, or liquor of choice. You will thank yourself later.
Tip 2) Declutter your bags, purses, gym bags.
When the weekend rolls around, your bag is filled with clutter and unnecessary items such as gum wrappers, receipts, etc. Getting rid of this junk will make you feel more organized and you will be able to find your chapstick, keys in seconds without having to dig through the heap of CVS and Trader Joe’s receipts.
Tip 3) Take time to plan your week ahead.
Whether you have a calendar on your wall or on your smartphone – take a few minutes to plan out the big events this week or drinks after work you may have forgotten you planned weeks ago. This will allow you to gain clarity of your workload and plan how to successfully tackle the week. You can visually see where to squeeze in that exciting bootcamp or art class you’ve been wanting to attend. Sometimes, writing your schedule out can even relax your mind and remind you that there is something to look forward to when it is only 2:00pm on a Tuesday afternoon.
Tip 4) Clean your closet.
The worst thing is coming home to a messy closet when you are trying to plan your outfit and gym clothes for the following day. If you want to have a productive bad-ass week, do your laundry and clean your closet. Blast your favorite playlist to get motivated, that makes you sing at the top of your lungs and break-out your embarrassing dance moves. Play your favorite comedy show…Friends, The Office, The Mindy Show, etc. Before you know it, your closet will be spotless and you are ready to take on Monday.