There’s a line in the movie, The Holiday, “You’re supposed to be the lead actress of your own life…” and it couldn’t ring more true. There are some of us who sit on the sidelines and only focus on others. They think so much about what others want, and what they need, and constantly put themselves second or third.
That’s not to say you shouldn’t be selfless at times. But there’s another thing to let your own life pass you by, and passively let it go on without you.
Love your friends, your family, your pets, and your job. But also, love yourself.
In the movie, one of the main characters played by Kate Winslet, is constantly waiting for this guy who won’t love her back. She hangs all her hopes and happiness on small moments of attention from him. And then he gets engaged. Her world is turned upside down. She has been wasting years doing everything for him, and hoping and waiting. She didn’t try to move on, because she simply kept hoping. I’m sure some of us have been there, whether in high school, college or more recently where we get hung up on the idea of someone else. We forget or lose ourselves, but not in a good way.
Luckily for Kate’s character, she gets away, clears her head, and during that time period befriends some folks who show her that she never needed that guy. She has a lot more to be happy about in life, mainly herself. She is a smart, giving, funny, intelligent woman. She enjoys her own company, and finds ways to give back to others and enjoy theirs too.
Yes, it’s a movie (and ’tis the season for feel good holiday movies), but there are pieces of it, we can all relate to. It may take shorter/longer for us to realize and find ways to be more at center stage, and that’s totally cool. Life goes at the pace we allow it too. It can speed by us, and leave us behind, or we can join it, with the twists and turns, and maneuver the turns we want to take.
Are you ready to lead your life?