It may be 2021, but it’s just another year. Some of us use the “fresh start” of January to help us regain motivation and to jump into new areas of productivity and health — which are all great. Any inspiration or motivation we can find or use, is a good thing.
Things to remember as the new-ness of January fades, winter continues, and 2020 doesn’t seem that far away after all.
- Keep your motivation drive in check – find continued sources of motivation, not just the time of year
- Find an accountability partner so you can encourage each other
- Make a list of reasonable goals (not 20 items to do at once… your train may lose its steam quickly if you do). Consider a few to start, and add on from there, or phase them in as you achieve some, and the year continues.
- Focus on what makes you happy in the long run – whether it’s fitness, finding new recipes, starting a new job, finding new hobbies, renewing relationships with friends and/or family, getting a furry animal to keep you feeling like a kid, or whatever suits your fancy.
- Get outdoors – yes, even in the winter. The fresh air, and the sunlight helps remind us that there is more to life than just work.
- In the end, be true to yourself. Find what goals are helping you move forward in the direction – you, want.
January is just a month. Goals are amazing. Set the ones that matter to you, and hit me up if you ever want to talk them through.
I’m continually re-evaluating my own goals. 2020 got me to use my peloton more (I’ve had it since pre-covid so it wasn’t a purchase during that time period), and it helped me to stay sane during a time of quarantine, less activity with friends, and less of the things we are used to doing. I’m continuing my peloton trend, but adding in more strength exercises and setting specific goals to meet within certain time periods, rather than just haphazardly exercising. Luckily the app has a million different things you can do – and no – this is not an ad, but a loyal member who has seen the benefits of the community peloton has built, from the app, the bike, and the facebook groups that exist to support one another and challenge each other. There is even a superhero challenge going on currently that I’m apart of, which is so cool! Yes I’m a geek when it comes to marvel and DC comics – so hey, why the hell not.
Cheers to you, and our new or continued goals!
image source – pixabay
autumn balance body care career chill confidence exercise fall family fitness food friends friendship goals happiness happy health holidays inspiration kind kindness life love memories mind mindfulness moments motivation Music nutrition playlist radiate daily radiatedaily relationships relax resolutions self love spotify stress summer time tunes wellness workout