Is it really a new you?

Perhaps it’s me but the saying “new year, new you” feels a bit ridiculous to me. Do we change overnight? Do we expect a new year to automatically help us become a newer version of ourselves?

I woke up on New Year’s day feeling fairly the same. The difference being that I had a new word for the year, as I do each year, rather than a list of resolutions. This year I’m focusing on two words – positivity and believe.

Things like this are internal changes that take growth, time, and mostly patience. It’s a daily affirmation of oneself to move forward in the right direction.

A few things that can help us become a better version of ourselves (not a new us) can include:

  • making a step by step action plan
  • check in dates
  • someone to hold us accountable
  • small rewards

And until then, keep on moving.


image source – pixabay

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