This post written by contributor, Audrea.
The onset of fall always reminds me of a time to start fresh. When I was in school, it meant a time for new teachers, new friends and new school clothes. But at this point in my life, it now means the time of year when I re-evaluate my goals so I finish out the second half of the year strong. Fall is the perfect time to invest sometime in yourself and realign with the New Year goals you set 6 months back.
This year I made some big commitments to my health including riding 125 miles from Boston Harbor to Provincetown, MA. EEK! I’m feeling stronger and healthier than ever before, so now as the season begins to change, I’m looking to focus on my heart, mind and soul. Overall my life is really great! I have a strong support network, a good job and an active social life. But something is missing, something that effects the greater good of my community.
Gandhi has this great quote that goes, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” And this fall I’m looking to find myself by getting more involved with my community and give back to organizations that I feel connected to. I’m already involved with Boston-based Fenway Health which has focused on LGBT health issues since the late 70s but I want something that also focus on my love of nutrition, cooking and growing food. I want to get my hands dirty and open my heart to the community around me.
To help with finding volunteer opportunities, I’m using sites such as Volunteer Match, Idealist, Network for Good and Boston Cares (which is local to me but probably similar to many other cities). These sites let me pick matches that fit my busy schedule and help filter matches that may be a good longer-term commitment. I have yet to begin volunteering but have made a commitment to do two events in October and three in November. I’ll keep you all posted on what I have learned in November and hope that you will join me in giving back this fall.