Especially those of us who live here in the U.S., work in big cities, and are always on the go (generalizing of course), don’t seem to take a minute to just hit pause. We’re constantly moving on to the next thing in our day or on our to-do list. Ever think how badly we’re burning ourselves out? Or how much lack of slack we’ve given ourselves to live a little?
Here are a few ways I try to give myself a break when it’s much needed:
- Make time to just sit on my ass and rest. Because really, we are always on the go, and sometime our bodies, need a minute to just sit.
- Cleanse my body. There are weeks when I haven’t been as good to my diet as I should be and I need to take the weekend to cleanse the crap and re-welcome the good food I know is healthier for me.
- Sleep. It’s true that we should try to sleep the same amount of hours each day – even on weekends – because it allows our bodies to not have to re-adjust on Monday, but sometimes you just need a nap.
- Pamper. I’ve realized there are a few things that allow me some time for bliss and relaxation and getting a mani/pedi is definitely one of them.
- Getting into a good book. We spend so much of our days looking at screens, it’s nice to grab a paperback book and just cuddle up and escape into another world.
What about you?
image source – pixabay