We are all born into a family – whether we talk to them everyday, see them a couple times a year, or what-have-you. Family is family and we love them, and sometimes even want to kick them. It’s family.
And then we have our friends. It’s cheesy to say, but our friends, our close friends, the ones we talk to basically everyday, are the “family we choose.” They’re the ones who hear about our ups and downs because they live around the corner, or sit at the coffee shop with us while we blog away.
I’ve lived in Boston for almost…14 years. Kind of crazy to realize. During that time, I’ve come across many sets of friends. My college friends who have come, gone, and returned. My law and grad school friends who have also come and gone. There’s the work friends and then I have those friends who’ve entered through random places such as networking events, parties, and/or even through Twitter. Yes, really.
There’s a common denominator.
Sounds nerdy using a math term but it’s true. There’s a common denominator between the ones who have remained in my life. It doesn’t matter if they are still in Boston or another city miles away. The ones who have remained are the ones who chose to.
We are mutually excited to stay in touch, hang out, catch up regularly, and know what’s going on with each other. We call just to say hi. We text to complain about McDreamy being killed off on Grey’s Anatomy. We are there for each other when one us needs a couch to crash on…for one, two, or three nights. We run to each other when someone needs a shoulder. We have that bottle of wine waiting. And sushi on demand.
My friends are the ones I know will be there, just like family. The miles don’t matter. The busy work schedules are just an obstacle. The best part, is like family, those relationships don’t need to be forced, they just exist.
Cheers to the family we choose, the friends who know when to laugh at you, and with you.