Have you ever wondered how much easier it would be if we had the Google Maps “blue dot” to follow in life? You go from elementary to middle to high school to college and then the blue dot shows you the rest of the way. It tells you whether to take a left and go to graduate school or a sharp right and start your career right away. It allows you to know which jobs to take, which relationships to pursue, and even what exercise routines are best for your body. A personal map.
Maybe a bit extreme on all of those levels, but how nice would it be to have a helper to navigate the crazy thing we call life.
You’re sitting on your couch watching a rerun of Friends on Netflix, and instead your personal map says, get the hell off that couch. Grab a bottle of wine and go to your friends house. Hang out with real people and nurture that friendship.
Or when you’re headed to the oh so safe, ellyptical, you instead realize you should check out that new spin class upstairs.
You see that hot guy, and wonder if you should grab dinner with him or your friend. Flip or coin or take a chance? Or cherish the people you love already instead.
A guide for life. Sometimes we could just use the cliff notes version to understand if we should have taken that left or sharp right.
But then…we would never have any surprises. Any chance to decide for ourselves. We would have a map for our lives, a safety plan. No chance to take on yourself or on the relationship that could have made you fall deeply rather than into the shallow end.
The curves and bumps make you who you are, and in the end, that is for the better. At least we hope.
And until we figure out our route, we always have a Friends marathon to get us through the day.