Written by Contributing Blogger, Audrea.
One of my favorite parts of summer is that I really sit and take the time to read. I don’t know if it is the lazy summer afternoons, or the need to read the latest book that gets me or just the excuse to take off my shoes and lay in the grass. Right now I’m reading a great book titled, “Do Your Om Thing: Bending Yoga Tradition to Fit Your Modern Life” by Rebecca Pacheco, a Boston yoga teacher whose classes I attend. I just finished a fascinating chapter on the eight limbs of yoga and cultivating them in your own life/ practice. This chapter really made me think about my current life, the journey life and learning to stop more in the moment to breath it all in. And today I used the chapter as inspiration.
This morning I woke up rather stressed out and drained. Crazy because it is Sunday and the last day that I should be a stress-case. I had scheduled a long bike ride with a group and was now in a rush to make it out the door. As I started to pump up my bike tires (something that needs to get done each time), my hand slipped and I hit myself pretty hard in the inner thigh. I screamed and then started crying. But not the cry of someone that just got hurt, but a different, more emotional cry. The crying of someone that needed to take a break, chill out and take some time for themselves.
I quickly changed my tune. I put the bike away and decided not to ride with the other people. I slowed down, made breakfast, and then threw my running shoes on. After a long run (8 plus miles) of mindful breathing, silence, thinking about all I had in my life and smiling, I returned home a new women. I then cleaned my small apartment and made myself some delicious, healthy lunch. By taking that time to slow down, take care of myself and put goodness into the world, I was able to change my whole attitude and day.
In Pacheco’s book, she has this great quote that goes, “Happiness is an inside job”, and today I kept reminding myself that. It is so important to take time to appreciate all that you are and all that you have, instead of trying to jump steps and race to what is next and stress yourself out. To help me remember this, I’m starting an Appreciation Jar (Or Gratitude Jar) in my kitchen. As I think of something that I appreciate or something that makes me so happy, I’ll write it down and keep it sealed up. Not only does will this keep me focused on all of the blessings in my life, but it will also give me something positive to reflect on at the end of the year.