Written by blog contributor, Audrea Laffely.
I don’t know about you but the holiday season always finds a way of taking me off my normal, healthy path. Fellow blogger, Pam Sahota wrote a wonderful article this past week about eating well despite parties, and it really hit home. Over the past few weeks I’ve been hitting the holiday season hard, and today I am feeling it. Bloated, cloudy, tired, and an overall lazy lady. So I’m making a pact with myself to finish off the last weeks 2015 strong.
Here is my execution plan:
- Take days off: There are days this month that I literally have three parties in one evening. That can be exhausting and also dangerous for overdoing the wine. My new goal is taking four days off with no alcohol and having no more than 2- 3 drinks on the days I do indulge.
- Keep up with the exercise: I’m making the effort to keep up with my normal exercise regime of 5 – 6 days a week. It’s great for both stress relief and keeping myself in check with the extra-curricular fun.
- Sleep: One of the best ways to make sure I feel my best is getting good amount of rest. Whenever possible, I’ll be climbing in to bed by 10am to get a good night sleep.
- Schedule non-drinking activities: I have a few events that I’ve planned this month that revolve around yoga, hiking and coffee. This will allow me to get my friendship time while sticking to my goals.
Cheers to sticking to a plan and enjoying the season in good health!