Are meant for a night by the fire with some music to keep you company. Listen now. #radiatedaily image source - pixabay
I know I've been there...it's a lazy Saturday, raining outside, and you can't help but veg on the couch. It starts with a flavorful breakfast. Then a snack. Then another, and another. It's mindless eating, and you're eating just because...not because you actually need to eat or are that hungry. It's a random craving, that ...
...this coming from a Type double-A planner, who lives and dies by her Google Calendar. It has everything from the things to pack for work, appointments, to errands to run, and plans with friends. My sister once said, did you plan our bathroom breaks in Paris too? Not so far off, back then. But as of ...
...have you ever realized the energy that animosity, frustration, anger, stress, and hate sucks out of you? It's more tiring than anything else. It zaps you of the good energy and fills you with a worse version of yourself. But what about when someone enters your life and and brings out the worst version of ...
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. I have learned a lot of harsh lessons recently. I'm not sure whether these lessons are meant to harden me or transition me into a new phase of life. But these lessons are what I know to be true right now. People Are Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Not everyone who is ...
What fulfills you? What makes you happy each day? Is it sleeping in a little longer, or taking time to cook a full dinner, or perhaps it's giving yourself the time to sit and meditate. Whatever it might be, give yourself permission. Allow yourself the time and ability to do what makes you feel better. I've ...