Most of us...or at least I'd like to believe...want to leave this world a better place. They want to make an impact. They want to leave a legacy. They want to help people, the earth, and make life a little bit better for themselves, their family, and those that they leave behind. We want a ...
Give yourself a break
Especially those of us who live here in the U.S., work in big cities, and are always on the go (generalizing of course), don't seem to take a minute to just hit pause. We're constantly moving on to the next thing in our day or on our to-do list. Ever think how badly we're burning ...
Why Living Alone is an Awesome Experience
...I've had a few roommates over my days, two of which were my best friends, and they were wonderful as roommates and friends. I lived with one for 6 years...and holy crap yes that's a long time. As I shifted into my late twenties and started grad school, I wanted a bit more space, and ...
Winter Vibes 2.0
The groundhog said we have more winter, but who really knows. Either way, this playlist will help us get through the crushing cold temps, and allow us to feel a little more energized. Listen Now! #radiatedaily image source - pixabay
Alone on Valentine’s Day…Again
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. Don’t let the title of this blog post fool you, there isn’t anything wrong with being alone on Valentine’s Day. Or any day for that matter. Nothing. So why does our culture make it seem like being “alone” as in not in a relationship, not a Mom or Dad make ...
Do you have these Must-Have Albums?
...with spotify and pandora and Apple Music, we can't help but just choose the songs we like, versus having to purchase a whole album. And it's awesome. Why wouldn't we want to choose to listen to just the 5 songs we like from an album rather than constantly skipping over the ones we care less ...
Learn when to stand up for yourself
Written by contributing blogger, Sonia Sahota. We’ve all had moments where we let others treat us like a doormat. Many of us do not realize this when it’s happening. You rush over to your friend that needs help preparing for a law school exam the next day while you were in the middle of finishing an ...
Chillax [Playlist]
...because everyone needs a playlist to just throw on, groove to, and pump out your work. Or sit back and tune out the world and take a moment to yourself. Chillax and Listen now. #radiatedaily image source - pixabay
Blaming Yourself for Other People’s Mistakes
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. Raise your hand if you’ve ever placed self-blame when someone has hurt you… (raises hand high!). I have become a pro at this, I lie awake at night thinking, “Shit, I must have done such a terrible thing for that person to have done or said that…” or worse, “What ...
A daily affirmation
I fully believe that affirmations and stating what you are doing to better yourself helps you strive forward even more. So for the month of December, each day I took a moment each day to write an affirmation on Facebook for me. Self care. Self love. Self happiness. You don't have to make it public, ...