...and I a so ready for all of it. The crisp weather. The fresh start you feel. How about you? Are you excited? What are your favorite things to do in the fall? My favorite things? It's not just about pumpkin, I swear. You'll have to listen to find out more and what ideas you ...
A little spice and everything nice
... too corny? Perhaps. But sometimes we need a chill and easy-going playlist to kick back to when the times are getting busy. It allows us to sink into it, allow ourselves to unwind, and enjoy the moment and season we're in. A few classics, some retro, some newbie songs, and of course the mix of ...
Errand Friend Dates
Tired of running errands? Do they feel like a chore? Not have enough time to hang with friends? Budget a little tight? Here's a thought - how about an "errand friend date"? As I get wiser in age...schedules appear harder, and there's just so much adulting to do. I have one particular friend, who I've ...
Do you remember your “word” of the year?
Thanks to social media I was reminded of my post in the New Year of what I had pledged as my word for the year. Actually, I had chosen two words, because it felt fitting to have both. Note: I choose words over resolutions as they represent a theme I want to carry through the ...
Keeping it simple
Listen to our podcast on keeping it simple or read our post below. When it comes to summer, and living in general, social media makes us think we need to be living the high life or we have no life. Going to the Hamptons in our private jets, spending every sunny day or night out ...
Have you found your outlet?
With how busy we all are --- and we know it gets busy pretty easily, it's important to have an outlet. An outlet to release our stress, anxiety, and allow ourselves to turn off. Imagine the feeling of letting go of our worries, our daily concerns, and focusing on an activity that keeps us in ...
Let’s take a journey
Read out latest post below, or listen to our latest podcast on taking a journey into the unknown. A journey into the unknown. Are you ready? Or are you scared of what it holds? The unknown is full of uncertainty and unpredictability. You never know what will enter your life, leave it, or become the norm ...
When the chips fall down
A lot happens in life. The good. The bad. The mediocre. We sometimes don't realize how wonderful things are in the moment, until they've passed. When we look back and see how grateful we could be for the things in our lives. The roofs over our heads. The company of loved ones. A secure job. ...
Let’s take a moment
Let's take a moment ... to be in the moment. Sit back. Be mindful of what you feel. Let it in. Understand the reason behind it. Perhaps take some time to meditate through to the calm. Are you ready to take a moment for you? Listen to our latest podcast episode and take a moment. Until ...
Stress overload
When the stress is piling on, the anxiety is real, and it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon, how do you cope? How do you deal? How do you pull through to the other side? Do you have a happy place? A physical place or mental place you can go to in your ...