...I can buy myself flowers is a song I never thought I would care for, mainly because of the artist who sings it, but I judged too quickly. I didn't give her enough credit. The song sings to the soul of so many of us. As does great music overall. A song, a tune, ...
Judgement is inevitable when you do this
With the advent of social media, blogs, and other mediums that allow you to broadcast your personal brand at the click of a button, brings on another beast. Judgement. Actors and famous people have had to deal with the issue of the media and putting out their image in tabloids for decades now. In that ...
Acceptance, if only it were so simple
Listen to our latest podcast episode on practicing acceptance or read out blog post below. February and March has been a tad frustrating for me because I injured my right hip/glute/back area from weight lifting (I think) or something clumsy - you never know with me. Unfortunately, not only was this painful physically, but emotionally ...
Moments of Mindfulness
It's easy to get lost in the day to day, but taking a moment, preferably more than one, is so necessary. Why you ask? A moment to reflect, discern what's going on within yourself, and determine what you need whether it be as simple as a glass of water, perhaps a nap, or a run ...
Unwind, unwind and unwind some more
When you've had a day, a week, a month, and even a year (already), take a moment. A moment to unwind. A moment for you. A moment to sit back, relax, and take it easy. Have you ever noticed that a song, or even just a lyric from a song, can change a mood? When ...
Telling your ‘inner critic’ to chill
Listen to our podcast episode or read the post below, your choice. Have you ever doubted yourself? Had imposter syndrome? Or just wondered, can I do this? I'm pretty sure at one point (or many points) in time, we all have. No one is confident one hundred percent of the time, and that is perfectly ...
Dealing with body image issues in 2023
Note: this post was written in its entirety by ChatGPT Dealing with body image issues in 2023 will likely involve a combination of self-care strategies and professional help. Some tips for self-care include: Focusing on self-compassion and treating yourself with kindness. Practicing mindfulness, which can help you be more present and less self-critical. Engaging in regular physical activity and ...
Work-Life Balance or Harmony?
I had always thought work-life "balance" was the key to happiness, but recently came upon the term work-life harmony, and am now revisiting the right way to approach life - for me. According to a Forbes article, "Work-life harmony is about you. It’s about your energy and where you invest it to make your life ...
My word (not a resolution) for 2023
We recently had a podcast episode around reflection, and as this blog post speaks on some of those topics, it also takes it a step further into 2023. Read on, for more... Today we're taking a moment to reflect on our resolutions, and words for the year and upcoming New Year. Reflection is definitely something that ...
Starting each Morning with Purpose
Ever want to hit snooze once, twice, perhaps twenty times in the AM? Ever feel like starting the morning is not as simple as the "morning people" say? I hear you. I definitely struggle to get my day started, but dedication is the key when motivation is lacking. Want to hear more on how I get ...