Lately, I can't help but think back to summers past, and even growing up as a 90s child. We had no facebook, we made mixed tapes, and we couldn't wait until the new CD came out at the record store. Remember Sam Goody's? I sure do. So this playlist, is for all you 90s children, like ...
RD Profile of the Week: Jill Hanner
A fitness enthusiast. A trainer. A baker. And a friend. Why I admire her: She is a woman who has publicly discussed her past issues with harassment in the workplace. She has been beaten down emotionally more than once. And although it has given her grief and pulled her down a few times, she has over come ...
A Bit of Edge
She sipped from a tattered wine glass The edges cracked with regret The glass smokey from indecision The base fragile from temptation She adorned a worn silk dress Ripped on the edge from too many falls Smooth from the desires fulfilled A little too short from the times spent around the hamster wheel She strapped on shiny new heels New to the touch and ...
Framily and Paying it Forward
June has been one of those months. It has been a struggle to fight the good fight on many days. There were moments when getting out of bed seemed impossible. My family, although 800 miles away has been a great support system. There is always the encouraging phone call or package of mama's baked goods. ...
The Path
She ran towards it She paused at the bridge She knelt down to find the smoothest pebble As if it were waiting for her The bridge disappeared A field of uncertainty ahead Crows circling her She knew she had to turn around Going back wasn't an option The branches tangled her in The path scattered with wilted petals She had to find a new way She kept her head ...
Book Highlight: The Life and Times of a Remarkable Misfit
Who is AJ? He is: A misfit, a caring, kind person, and someone who has truly turned around his life into something that he is proud of each and every day. AJ has started many things in his life, and more recently he has started/completed a kickstarter to write and publish his first book: The Life ...
RD Profile of the Week: Laurie Davis Edwards
Laurie Davis Edwards, the founder of Eflirt, and Author of Love at First Click ... is amazing. She's not a typical founder or Author. Yes, she is intelligent, thought provoking, challenging, and driven. But she's more than her career. She is more than a wife to her husband (also a pretty cool Entrepreneur - Founder ...
Nine Travel Hacks for Summer Travel
Written by contributing blogger: Sonia Sahota Last Spring, I went on a four month Euro-trip visiting many cities throughout London, Italy, Spain and Greece. As I crossed off more cities on my bucket list, I learned handy tips that spared me time, money and packing space! I wish someone prepared me before - but I am thankful I ...
Top 10 Beauty Summer Must Haves!
Finally! Summer has arrived! It was definitely one of those winters that had me dreaming of warmer months. And of course, with the coming of warmer weather, beach days, and shorter skirts comes a list of my latest product favorites for the season! So without further ado - 1.) Sunscreen! Now most makeup already has some ...
What defines who you are?
For some people, a job defines who they are. For others it's their role in their relationship or family. For some it's the impact they have within society and a change they can help make. I used to think my job defined me. My personal brand was/is a digital marketer within the Boston community. I mean ...