Because everyone needs a playlist for a sunday stroll. Lit up with everything from: Phantogram, Cults, Chairlift, Coconut Records, and Vampire Weekend. Listen now!
Written by blog contributor, Tammy Luksich. Webster’s Dictionary defines perseverance as steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Perseverance is the breaking point, which drives the car of maturity and success. It separates the mediocre from the overachievers, the B+ from the A-, the laborer from the foreman. The process of developing ...
Much of the day we focus on ourselves. Not a bad thing. We ensure we eat get some good sleep (hopefully) eat well (hopefully), and that we get some exercise (hopefully), etc. But throughout the day we are also without sometimes realizing, giving ourselves to others - our jobs, our significant others, our kids, our ...
Written by Contributing Blogger, Audrea Laffely Have you ever gotten home after a long day, opened the fridge and stared longingly into it, hoping that some pre-made meal would jump out at you? I used to do this a lot, or go out and buy takeout, until I started making a weekly menu. The benefits since ...
We're busy. We're in a rush. We're lazy. We're tired. We're over-worked. We're' traveling. We have a lot of excuses to not get to the gym and/or not work out on a regular basis. Basically we have a lot of bullshit. Don't you think? Luckily there are some exercise routines you can do in 15 minutes ...
There are a lot of qualities that are important for leadership including but not limited to honesty, confidence, and communication among others. A lot of people become managers and leaders before they are ready. They get promoted, and thrown up the ladder --- being groomed for the next step. But do they possess what it takes? ...
Written by contributing blogger, Daniela Forte. There will be many times in your life where you won’t feel like you are enough. It can happen in your career, your relationships and just in the general day-to-day. Let me tell you, it is a horrible feeling. Here is a little secret, you absolutely are enough! No matter what ...
With email, smartphones, and now smartwatches, it's not so easy to "turn off" and take a break from work and the madness we live in sometimes. The constant work emails, the "leash" of being constantly on although we think we're not. The way we can't help but check to see what that one message said. ...
"If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission." --Anonymous "Opportunities don't happen, you create them." --Chris Grosser "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." --Eleanor Roosevelt "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." --Bill Gates "You must expect great things of yourself before you can ...